Perestroika and the "Wild" 1990s: State, Society, and the Individual in Eastern Europe, 1985–2000

Perestroika and the "Wild" 1990s: State, Society, and the Individual in Eastern Europe, 1985–2000

Kirsten Bönker (Cologne U), Alexey Tikhomirov (Bielefeld U) (German Historical Institute in Moscow)
German Historical Institute in Moscow
Gefördert durch
German Historical Institute in Moscow, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Russia
Voroncovskaja ulica 8/7
109044 Moskau
Russian Federation
Vom - Bis
17.03.2022 - 19.03.2022
Alexey Tikhomirov, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie, Universität Bielefeld

Perestroika and the policy of glasnost’ set in motion some of the most significant political reforms of the twentieth century. In Eastern Europe, this period of transition launched a fundamental remodeling of relationships between the state, society, and the individual. The workshop aims to examine the dynamics and impact of the reforms by looking at people's social, economic, and cultural practices during perestroika and in the following decade of transformation.

Perestroika and the "Wild" 1990s: State, Society, and the Individual in Eastern Europe, 1985–2000

Perestroika and the associated policy of glasnost’ set in motion some of the most significant political reforms of the twentieth century, reforms that ushered in an era of profound historical change. In Eastern Europe, this period of transition and transformation launched a fundamental remodeling of relationships between the state, society, and the individual. Mikhail Gorbachev's policies were intended to tackle the challenges of the stagnating Soviet economy and society, but across the globe their mostly unintended consequences had a dramatic impact: the fall of the Soviet Union brought about the end of the Cold War world order and caused, in Vladimir Putin's words, the "greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century". The workshop aims to examine the dynamics and impact of the reforms by looking at people's social, economic, and cultural practices during perestroika and in the following decade of transformation. Our intention is to explore the (dis)continuities, differences, and (dis)entanglements of this time in Eastern Europe in a comparative perspective and by taking methodologically innovative approaches.

Event location: online via Zoom

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Webinar ID: 859 2461 7800


Thursday, March 17

09:00 Registration


Sandra Dahlke (GHI Moscow), Vera Dubina (FES Moscow): Welcome

Kirsten Bönker (Cologne U), Alexey Tikhomirov (Bielefeld U): Introduction

10:00–10:15 Coffee break

10:15–12:15 The Transformation of the Political: The Waning of Authoritative Discourse and Democratization and Civil Society

Chair: Sandra Dahlke (GHI Moscow)

Irina Gordeeva (St. Philaret’s Institute, Moscow/Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam): Street Protests in Moscow during the First Years of Perestroika, 1986–1987 (in Russian)

Alexandr Fokin (U of Tyumen): „Let the Party Drive“: The Culture of Laughter during and about Perestroika (in Russian)

Elena Strukova (State Public Historical Library, Moscow): The Wild Nineties on the Pages of the Newspaper Srochno v nomer! (in Russian)

Discussant: Alexey Tikhomirov (Bielefeld U)

12:15–13:30 Lunch

13:30–15:30 The Transformation of the Body and the Habitat: Preserving Health and Nature

Chair: Vera Dubina (FES Moscow)

Benjamin Beuerle (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin): Environmental and Climate Policy Initiatives in the Last Perestroika Years and their Post-Soviet Aftermath

Georgios Tziafetas (FAU Erlangen): From the USSR to the Russian Federation: The Leningrad Dam at a Critical Stage in Its Development (1987–1995) (in Russian)

Anastaiia Beliaeva (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow): Vegetovascular Dystonia as the Diagnosis of Perestroika: The History of an Illness (in Russian)

Discussant: Galina Orlova (HSE Moscow)

15:30–16:00 Coffee break

16:00–17:30 Keynote address

Chair: Susanne Schattenberg (Bremen U)

Franziska Schedewie (Munich U/Heidelberg U): Perestroika as Multi-Level Process

19:00 conference dinner

Friday, March 18

09:00–10:30 The Transformation of the Economy: Reforms, Crises, Practices, and Changing Values, Part I

Chair: Ekaterina Emeliantseva-Koller (Zurich U)

Andrei Smetanin (Perm State U): Perceptions of the Value of Things: Bartering During the First Year of Free Trade (In Russian)

Claudia Eggart (Manchester U): „People Pointed a Finger at Us“: Shame and Pride in the Biographies of Female Shuttle Traders in Post-Soviet Russia

Discussant: Anna Ivanova (European University St. Petersburg/Harvard U)

10:30–10:45 Coffee break

11:00–13:00 The Transformation of the Economy: Reforms, Crises, Practices, and Changing Values, Part II

Chair: Alexey Golubev (Houston U)

Courtney Doucette (SUNY-Oswego): Documenting Shortage: Kitchen Diaries, Letters, and the Soviet Press in the Marketization of the Soviet Economy

Isaac McKean Scarborough (Leiden U): „Cooperative“ Entrepreneurs: Building (Post)-Soviet Businesses

Discussant: Ekaterina Emeliantseva-Koller (Zurich U)

13:00–14:00 Lunch

14:00–15:30 The Transformation of the Private: Emotions, Memory, and Generational Conflicts

Chair: Andreas Hilger (GHI Moscow)

Alexey Tikhomirov (Bielefeld U): „A Small Person in the Fate of a Large Country“: Coming to Terms with the „Soviet Century“ in Letters to Political Leaders and on the Radio in the1990s (In Russian)

Katharina Kucher (IOS Regensburg): Left Behind? Pensioners and the Collapse of the Soviet State

Discussant: Franziska Schedewie (Munich U/Heidelberg U)

15:30–16:00 Coffee break

16:00–17:30 The Transformation of Everyday Life: Leisure and Entertainment

Chair: Anna Ivanova (European University St. Petersburg/Harvard U)

Christine Evans (U Wisconsin-Milwaukee): Amateur „Chto? Gde? Kogda?“ and the Globalization of the Soviet Technical Intelligentsia

Simon Huxtable (Birkbeck, U of London): Strange Young Men in Yeltsin’s Moscow: Sex on the Dance Floor during the Wild Nineties

Discussant: Susanne Schattenberg (Bremen U)

19:00 Dinner

Saturday, March 19

09:30–11:00 The Transformation of the Individual: Agency and Subjectivities in Times of Uncertainty

Chair: Birthe Kohtz (GHI Moscow)

Alexey Golubev (Houston U): Struggling with Alienation: Self-Help Advice in the USSR and Russia, 1970s–2000s

Martin Babička (Oxford U): The Quest for Wilderness: Nature, Self, and the Markets in Czechoslovakia around 1989

Discussant: Corinna Kuhr-Korolev (Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam)

11:00–11:30 Coffee break

11:30–12:30 Concluding Roundtable Discussion

Chair: Kirsten Bönker (Cologne U)

Ekaterina Emeliantseva-Koller (Zurich U), Corinna Kuhr-Korolev (Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam), Galina Orlova (HSE Moscow), Susanne Schattenberg (Bremen U), Franziska Schedewie (Munich U/Heidelberg U)


Alexey Tikhomirov
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
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